Brain Health Webinar Series

Throughout March – May 2021, Dementia Research Network Ireland will be hosting free weekly webinars for the public on Brain Health

This webinar series is aimed at a public audience and will explore some of the following topics:

  • How does brain health affect our cognition and how do we measure it?

  • How does food affect our brain health?

  • Can physical training exercise our brains?

  • What are healthy habits for a healthy mind?

  • What can neuroimaging tell us about brain health?

  • What is Cognitive Rehabilitation and Cognitive Stimulation Therapy, and are they effective for people living with dementia?

Each session will include a 20 min Q&A with the audience.

Dr. Annalisa Setti will give a talk on Mon 29th March 11-11.45am: Step Up to Your Health: What a group of retirees taught me about brain health.

To Register for this free series: Brain Health: Online Webinar Series Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

Acmelab Brainstorm blog on High Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Nature

Fame Lab Cork

It is often difficult to communicate science to the general public.  We need to cut out the scientific jargon that we use as a short-cut to efficiency, and a possible crutch, to get to the essence of what is important.  Fame lab is an international science communication competition where you explain a scientific concept to a general audience, in just three minutes.  This is judged by a panel of experts in the field of science communication, as well as the audience.

We are so proud that Marica came second in the Cork regional competition for her talk on affordance, using a Moka pot espresso maker as her prop.  It was clever, insightful, and easy to understand the scientific importance of affordances.

ACMELab contributes to Learning Neighborhoods

The UNESCO Learning City approach emphasises lifelong learning and social inclusion. The steering group for Growing Lifelong Learning in Cork (GLLiC) therefore selected two neighbourhoods – Ballyphehane and Knocknaheeny – to pilot the Learning Neighbourhoods Programme in 2015-2016. The review document of the Learning Neighbourhoods Pilot Programme can be found here Learning Neighbourhoods Pilot Review. For 2016-2017 Learning Neighbourhoods will continue to work with Ballyphehane and Knocknaheeny as well as welcoming Mayfield and Togher to the programme for the coming year.

The Learning Neighbourhoods Programme aims to continue to build a culture of lifelong learning across Cork City’s neighbourhoods. The Programme Steering Group, which involves collaboration between Cork City Council, UCC and Cork Education and Training Board (ETB), works with the learning and education organisations and residents in each area to promote and develop active local lifelong learning.

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